Where do departed souls go?

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Where does the soul go after death? Does the soul also die?

The GOD of Heaven, the righteous Judge of all the earth knows your sins and life—nothing is hidden from Him. You with your sins can never enter the bliss and glory of the future world.


But this same Heavenly God is a God of love. He has designed a way for the redemption of your life and your soul. You need not be cast into everlasting doom and hell fire. God sent Jesus into this world to save your soul. Jesus took your sins upon Himself when He suffered and died on the cross of Calvary. God gave the best heaven had as a sacrifice for your sins. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). These words were prophesied about Jesus many years before He came to Earth.


Will you believe that Jesus loves you? Will you pray and confess your sins to Him? Will you repent and believe in Jesus, the Son of the Living God? Upon a total commitment to Him, He will bring peace to your soul and give you a glorious life after death. Only then can you be assured of an eternal home of great joy and comfort for your soul.


But OH! The pit of doom and unending fire awaiting those who in this lifetime reject the redeeming love of Jesus. There will be no turning or saving after death. “Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). “And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).


God, in the Holy Bible, warns of the impending final judgment of all the earth. In these Holy Scriptures it is prophesied that before that notable Day of Judgment there will be clear and pronounced signs.


Before His coming there shall be wars and rumors of wars, distress and perplexity of nations. Nations will be fighting each other and will seem to find no way of settling their differences of attitudes and opinions.


There shall be earthquakes and pestilences in various places. The Bible tells us that evil men will wax worse and worse. At the same time people will not heed the warning but be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Are we not witnessing the fulfillment of these prophecies in our day? Refer to Matthew 24:6-7, 12 and also 2 Timothy 3:4.


Let us remember that our just and great Judge will not be influenced by our present wealth or poverty, fame or disgrace, or by our color, race, caste or creed. Some day we will stand before our great Creator and Lord to be judged according to our deeds. Read Matthew 25:32-33.


In the endless eternity ahead there will be no time clock, no annual calendar, and centuries will not be reckoned. The smoke of the torment of the sinner and ungodly shall ascend forever and forever—while at the same time the joys, songs, bliss, and comfort of the redeemed will be unending in heaven. Make your choice now! Soon it may be too late, “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2, Matthew 11:28-30).
